2023 Policy, Advocacy and Research Contributor Award: Robert Stanton

14 June 2024

The Exercise & Sports Science Awards recognise outstanding accredited professionals who demonstrate a depth of knowledge and commitment to exercise and sports science through their practice and advocacy.

The Policy, Advocacy and Research Contributor Award recognises outstanding member contributors who dedicate time and skills to improving our profession, particularly through activities focused on policy, advocacy and research.

Congratulations to the recipient of the 2023 Policy, Advocacy and Research Contributor Award: Robert Stanton!

Associate Professor Robert Stanton, a dedicated member of Exercise & Sports Science Australia (ESSA) for over two decades, has been honoured with the Policy, Advocacy, and Research Contributor Award. His extensive contributions to the Publications Committee and Professional Development Review Committee have significantly advanced ESSA's mission and impact.

Since becoming Chair of the Publications Committee in 2021, Robert has led several initiatives, including structuring the submission process for Position Statements, Consensus Statements, and guidelines. He has also overseen the review of requests from other organisations for co-endorsement of various statements.

"The most significant project to date has been the coordination of the ESSA 2022 Covid-19 and Exercise Guidelines," Robert shared.

"This was a timely and important piece of work, providing evidence-based advice for exercise professionals during a period of great uncertainty."

In his role on the Professional Development Review Committee, Robert reviews and provides feedback on applications for endorsement, ensuring they align with ESSA's priorities and strategic planning.

"A key issue in all my roles is consideration of the end user; what will be the benefit to ESSA members," he explained. This user-focused approach helps maintain the relevance and quality of professional development offerings.

Robert's involvement in the Research to Practice conference committee further demonstrates his commitment to bridging the gap between research and practical application. His insights have been instrumental in shaping ESSA's emerging research strategy and 10-year vision statement. "It's critical to consider the end user, as members and practitioners will apply this information in their daily practice," Robert said. His background as a practitioner and academic allows him to balance the direct impact on members with ESSA's reputation as an internationally recognised agency.

When selecting individuals for the Publications Committee, Robert and his colleagues prioritise a diverse representation of career stages, gender, and academic experience. This approach ensures high-quality submissions and published documents that benefit ESSA members. "We aim to minimise bias and ensure we have the expertise to consider the submissions coming to the committee," he noted.

Robert Stanton's dedication and strategic vision have made a lasting impact on ESSA and the field of exercise and sports science, setting a high standard for future contributions.