Foundations of Precision Health & Exercise

The goal of Personalised Health is that the right treatment meets the needs of that person. This comprehensive video course, will empower you with the essential knowledge and expertise to thrive in this trans-formative era, ensuring you're not left behind.

Essential Learning in the Foundations of Precision Health & Exercise

In partnership with Precision Health Alliance


The core principle of personalised health is that every single person is biologically unique, therefore the treatment that they need should be unique and tailored to the individual. The goal of personalised health is that the right treatment meets the needs of that person. Without it the treatment may not be successful or may create adverse events. 

Stay one step ahead of the curve in exercise physiology by embracing precision health, the next pivotal evolution in the industry. This comprehensive video course, will empower you with the essential knowledge and expertise to thrive in this trans-formative era, ensuring you're not left behind.

Learning Modules

This course comprises of 11 learning modules that delve into crucial areas of precision health through engaging and informative videos, equipping you with the necessary knowledge to stay ahead in this rapidly evolving field.

What is personalised health?

This module will discuss the historical, current and future perspectives of precision health.

Why is personalised health important?

Gain insight into the research behind non-responders and why your clients may not be achieving the results you would expect.

What makes a person different? Part I

Gain insight into the strengths and weaknesses of genetics, the importance of epigenetics and quantification of the ‘phenotype’ when personalising your exercise, nutrition or lifestyle interventions.

What makes a person different? Part II

This session provides and overview of the world's leading precision health technology and review the principles of data collated and how that is implemented into clinical practice is discussed to help you understand the importance for technology in this space.

Assess Individual Differences with Precision Health Technology

Learn how to assess biological differences in a practical and easy to implement way utilising technology.

HealthTypes: The first step to comprehensive precision health - Part I

In this session you will learn how morphology, the size and shape of an individual can provide incredible insights into the internal workings of their physiology, metabolism and even behavioural predispositions.

HealthTypes: The first step to comprehensive precision health - Part II

The 6 identified HealthTypes will be discussed as they act as a teaching aid to explain how morphology can be used for predictive, preventative, personalised and participatory health - all of which are required for optimal precision health.

Precision Exercise

Precision health technology is able to determine the best type of training an individual needs and this resource will take you through the theory and case studies of how that can be done.

Precision Nutrition

Understand the differences between nutrigenetics, nutrigenomics and nutriphenomics in relation to the effects of food on different individuals as well as the personalisation of meal plans and food prescriptions.

Engagement (Coaching) - Part I

This module will expand on the purpose of coaching, biological differences in brain function and how this translates to communication.

Engagement (Coaching) - Part II

This module covers examples of how people will respond to different language/advertising and coaching strategies.


Presented by Dr Cam McDonald

Dr Cam McDonald started as an Accredited Exercise Physiologist, Accredited Practising Dietitian and completed his PhD with a focus on both in chronic disease prevention. He is a Fellow of the Australasian Society of Lifestyle Medicine and is an international leader in the application of precision & personalised health. Currently, he is the CEO of the Precision Health Alliance - a world leading organisation focussing on the education of health professionals in the use of precision health principles and technology. The organisations mission is to eliminate chronic disease and pain by 2050, and having ‘healthy’ and ‘resilient’ as the norm. He educates companies, health professionals and the general public alike on how the whole environment impacts physical and mental health and disease, and the role technology has in optimising healthy behaviour change.  What allows Dr Cam to leave an indelible mark on the audience is his ability to simplify the complexity of health principles, infuse hope and stimulate action. The combination of science, down-to-earth humour and elegant simplicity of truth makes him accessible, relatable and the content he shares truly captivating.


Rates per person

ESSA Member    $60.00 
Non-Member   $100.00
ESSA Student Member   $30.00
Student Non-Member   $50.00 
Please see terms & conditions for registration type definitions.


Access to Partner PD

Access to this Partner PD will be available in your ESSA learning profile after purchase.  Please click here to access your ESSA learning profile.   


Target Audience

Any Accredited Exercise Scientist, Accredited Exercise Physiologist, Accredited Sports Scientist Level 1, Accredited Sports Scientist Level 2 and/or Accredited High Performance Manager 



Successful completion of an assessment, within 60 days is required to earn applicable CPD Points



Online: After signing into your ESSA profile, select the blue "Register Myself" button below Manual Form: click here. International Membership Registration (including BASES, CEPA and SESNZ): click here.
Please note:
* Credit card payment is required with online registration.
* If a tax invoice is required for payment to be made, please use the manual form.
* Upon registering to any ESSA professional development, you automatically agree to our terms & conditions. []



  • All accredited persons, regardless of any professional development completed/ attended must refer to their accreditation’s Scope of Practice/Standards, and only treat/practice within the same.  
  • ESSA confirms that at the date of release, this professional development meets the requirements of the ESSA Continuing Professional Development Points Guidelines. The information contained in this professional development is of a general nature only, and while every effort and care has been taken to ensure that all representations are accurate as at the date of its release, ESSA accepts no legal liability for any loss or damage suffered as a result of any information provided in this professional development. 
  • ESSA recommends that its members seek appropriate independent professional advice specific to their particular purposes and circumstances (including the provision of medical advice to patients) before relying on it. 
  • All professional development listed is correct at time of publication, and is subject to change at any time without notice.
1/01/2023 - 31/12/2025
Online registration not available.

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