Earning More Without Adding Extra Sessions

You’re earning good money but working really hard for it. Uncover how to change this, explode your growth, and continue to love what you do.

Earning More Without Adding Extra Sessions

You’re earning good money but working really hard for it. Uncover how to change this, explode your growth, and continue to love what you do.
Your business is doing just fine. But you don’t want “just fine”. You rather blow up your income and have more fun. In this session, you’ll uncover the shifts required for you to earn far more - and without adding extra sessions to your calendar.
Specifically, you’ll discover:
1. How to price your sessions and packages so that you can successfully run ads and get in front of people who are excited to work with you.
2. How to stop being visibly invisible. You're showing up and putting yourself out there, but speaking to everyone is stopping you from calling in your ideal clients, who can pay you what you want to charge. Here you'll uncover how to solve this so you can shift from $10K to $20K+ months with ease.
3. How to take action that feels good and gets insane results for both you and your clients. You’ll see the proven process that allows you to earn the money you're here to make, leaving you feeling energized, vibrant, and ready for continued business and personal growth.
This is a recording of an ESSA webinar presented on 3 April 2024. 

Presented by Alexandra Whitehead

"Hi, I’m Alex Whitehead.
I’m the CEO of The Practice Activator™ and I’m here to help you build and grow your online business with marketing strategies
that work, so you can serve the heck out of your ideal clients, and earn the money you’re here to make.

A psychologist by trade and business owner (x3), entrepreneur, and mum, I’ve got your back when it comes to your online
I’ve coached over 1000 people just like you, and using our proven step-by-step process you can achieve your next-level business and life goals (without working more).

DM me here: https://www.instagram.com/the_practice_activator/
And visit our website here: https://thepracticeactivator.com/"

Rates per person

ESSA Member   $33.00 
Non-Member       $55.00
ESSA Student Member            $16.50
Student Non-Member    $27.50 
ESSA Member PD+   Complimentary
Non-Member PD+   Complimentary
Please see terms & conditions for registration type definitions.

Access to Online Activity

Your online activity will be available in your ESSA learning profile after purchase.  Please click here to access your ESSA learning profile.

Target Audience

Any Accredited Exercise Scientist, Accredited Exercise Physiologist, Accredited Sports Scientist Level 1, Accredited Sports Scientist Level 2 and/or Accredited High Performance Manager.


Successful completion of an assessment, within 60 days is required to earn applicable CPD Points


Online: After signing into your ESSA profile, select the blue "Register Myself" button below
Manual Form: click here
International Membership Registration (including BASES, CEPA and SESNZ): click here.

Please note:
* Credit card payment is required with online registration.
* If a tax invoice is required for payment to be made, please use the manual form.
* Upon registering to any ESSA professional development, you automatically agree to our terms & conditions.


  • All accredited persons, regardless of any professional development completed/ attended must refer to their accreditation’s Scope of Practice/Standards, and only treat/practice within the same.  
  • ESSA confirms that at the date of release, this professional development meets the requirements of the ESSA Continuing Professional Development Points Guidelines. The information contained in this professional development is of a general nature only, and while every effort and care has been taken to ensure that all representations are accurate as at the date of its release, ESSA accepts no legal liability for any loss or damage suffered as a result of any information provided in this professional development. 
  • ESSA recommends that its members seek appropriate independent professional advice specific to their particular purposes and circumstances (including the provision of medical advice to patients) before relying on it. 
  • All professional development listed is correct at time of publication, and is subject to change at any time without notice.
  • When
    3/04/2024 - 3/04/2027

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