International AEP Applicant


There are two assessments you must satisfactorily complete:

  • Exercise Physiology Theory Exam
  • Exercise Physiology Practical Exam 

Note: You must complete each exam in the sequential order listed successfully to continue to the next exam.

Once you are an AEP, you will need to complete ESSA's Standards & Compliance professional development- see below. 

Theory Examination

This online examination is conducted through the  University of Queensland. The theory examination consists of 90 multiple choice questions and 15 short answer responses allocated to a time limit of 3 hours. 

Candidates are permitted two attempts at the theoretical examination with a minimum of four weeks in between. After two unsuccessful attempts, a six month waiting period must be observed before another attempt at the theoretical exam. Four weeks must also be observed from successful completion of the theory exam to completing the practical examination.

The theory examination will evaluate the candidates' knowledge and application of designated general and pathology specific criteria including:

  • Professional practice
  • Foundation knowledge
  • Referrals, screening and assessment of exercise functional capacity
  • Design of exercise interventions
  • Implementation of exercise and health and wellness interventions
  • Cancer
  • Cardiovascular
  • Kidney
  • Mental Health
  • Metabolic
  • Musculoskeletal 
  • Neurological 
  • Respiratory / pulmonary 

A minimum of 70% must be attained to pass the theory exam.

The examination must be overseen by a suitable invigilator which must be approved prior to the examination. Please see the Invigilator Form for more information.

For more information, please visit UQ's website here
Note: To register for the ESSA AEP Exam preparation course, navigate to the EdX platform and select the ‘Register’ button. Participants will be requested to create an account. Once actioned, participants will be directed to the Course site (*NB – if site does not load immediately, click refresh). Participants will then need to select the ‘Enrol now’ link to access the full course. To commence the course, click the ‘Start Course’ button.


Email [email protected] to register.

Practical Examination

The Practical examination is conducted through the University of Queensland.  The examination will involve three stations, each allocated 60 minutes covering a combination of pathology domains. Each station will have an examiner, the examinee and a simulated patient present. At each station you will be provided with a short overview of the case verbally and have one hour to complete a full assessment with recommendations. 

Candidates are permitted two attempts at the practical examination with a minimum of four weeks in between. After two unsuccessful attempts, a six month waiting period must be observed before attempting the practical exam. 

Please note: The practical exam can be convened face-to-face or via Zoom. 

For further information or to view the examination criteria, please visit the University of Queensland website, here.
Note: To register for the ESSA AEP Exam preparation course, navigate to the EdX platform and select the ‘Register’ button. Participants will be requested to create an account. Once actioned, participants will be directed to the Course site (*NB – if site does not load immediately, click refresh). Participants will then need to select the ‘Enrol now’ link to access the full course. To commence the course, click the ‘Start Course’ button.


Email  [email protected]  to register.