Fellows and Life Members

Fellowship status and Life membership is available to Full and Academic members of ESSA. It recognises those who have achieved a high level of professional accomplishment, responsibility and service to ESSA.

Fellows with Life Membership

Dr Phil Hamdorf

Awarded life membership in 2018 and ESSA Fellowship in 2004

Phil Hamdorf is an exercise scientist with a doctorate specialising in cardio-respiratory training amongst older women. As Chief Exercise Physiologist for the Royal Adelaide Hospital, Phil founded the Centre for Physical Activity in Ageing which is recognised as a ‘centre of excellence’ in the provision of rehabilitation and physical activity programs for older persons. Phil has a long and accomplished background in sports administration (across two states) and now works as a sports management consultant providing services to the sport and physical activity sectors. Phil is currently Chair of Skate Australia and a Director of Disability Sports Australia, Outdoors NSW & ACT and the Muirfield Golf Club.

Qualifications: DipT, BEd, PhD, GAICD
Other Fellowships/Honours: Life Member of Exercise and Sport Science Australia, Fellow of Sports Medicine Australia, Churchill Fellow
Primary domain/s of professional (work) focus: Advisory services to the sport, recreation, exercise science and physical activity sectors
Other areas of Interest: Physical activity and active ageing
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Alan Morton

Awarded life membership in 2018 and ESSA Fellowship in 2002

Bio coming soon

Tony Parker

Awarded life membership in 2002 and ESSA Fellowship in 2007

Tony has worked for more than 30 years to develop and enhance the status of the field of Sports Medicine and Exercise and Sports Science in Australia and Internationally. This has involved an extensive of leadership roles in the University sector and national and international organisations.

He has also been applying the knowledge gained in exercise science and sports medicine to occupational medicine with extensive experience in leadership involving large multidisciplinary and industry linked research projects in the areas of occupational health involving the maritime industry, emergency services and mining. The results and outputs of this research have directly influenced industry and government policy and have been applied to the development of new strategies for injury prevention and health enhancement in these industries.

He is currently leader of the Workforce Health Innovation research group at the Queensland University of Technology (QUT) Institute for Health and Biomedical Innovation (IHBI). Current projects focus on priority health issues in the mining industry such as musculoskeletal injury and disorder, mental health, metabolic disorders, communication systems, and OH&S climate.

Steve Selig

Awarded life membership in 2021 and ESSA Fellowship in 2011

Steve Selig is the retired Chair in Clinical Exercise Science at Deakin University and was an academic in cardiovascular exercise physiology for 34 years. Steve has been a long term servant of ESSA in many capacities including Director on the Board (2005-2021), twice led peak advisory groups (2006-2008; 2013-2015) on behalf of ESSA that were tasked with restructuring the ESSA Professional Standards for Accredited Exercise Physiologists (AEP), and many committee roles. The professional standards covered by the work of Steve and his colleagues span the period 2008-2021. In retirement, Steve continues to be passionate about the work that ESSA does on behalf of its members, and spends at least one day per week on ESSA matters. His research has focused on the benefits of exercise for people living with heart failure, and Steve is considered a leading exercise physiologist in Australia for the design of individualised exercise interventions for people living with treatment-resistant hypertension and labile hypotension, arrhythmias and conduction defects, complex valve disease and adult congenital heart disease.

Qualifications: PhD, AES, AEP, ESSAF
Other Fellowships/Honours: Vice-Chancellor’s Award for Teaching Excellence (Victoria University), 2002 Vice-Chancellor’s Award for Excellence in E-learning (Victoria University), 2006 National Citation for Outstanding Contribution to Student Learning , 2007 Fellow, Victoria University Staff College, 2010Exercise & Sports Science Australia (ESSA) President’s Award for services to clinical exercise physiology, 2011 Awarded a Fellowship, ESSA, 2016 Named as one of the “top 25 influencers of exercise and sports science” as part of the 25 year celebration of ESSA.
Primary domain/s of professional (work) focus: Cardiovascular exercise physiology
Other areas of Interest: ESSA and its members
Professional URL


Bruce Abernethy

Awarded ESSA Fellowship in 2007

Professor Bruce Abernethy is Executive Dean of the Faculty of Health & Behavioural Sciences at the University of Queensland. Bruce is a first class Honours graduate and university medallist from UQ, a PhD graduate from the University of Otago, and, in addition to being a Fellow of ESSA, is also an International Fellow of the American Academy of Kinesiology and Physical Education and a Fellow of Sports Medicine Australia. He has previously held the positions of Head of the School of Human Movement Studies at UQ (1991-2003), Director and inaugural Chair Professor of the Institute of Human Performance at the University of Hong Kong (2004-2011) and Deputy Executive Dean and Associate Dean (Research) within the Faculty of Health Sciences at UQ (2011-2013). Bruce’s research interest is in the control and learning of skilled movement, with a particular focus upon expert performance. His research has been supported by a range of agencies including those funding basic science, such as the Australian Research Council and the Research Grants Council of Hong Kong, as well as those supporting more applied research, such as the Australian Sports Commission, the Australian Football League, Cricket Australia, Worksafe Australia and the Motor Accident Insurance Commission.

Mark Armstrong

Awarded ESSA Fellowship in 2007

Bio coming soon

Chris Askew

Awarded ESSA Fellowship in 2018

Chris is an Associate Professor of Clinical Exercise Physiology. He holds a conjoint position with the University of the Sunshine Coast and the Sunshine Coast University Hospital, where he leads the VasoActive research group and the Healthy Ageing Research cluster. He is an accredited exercise physiologist with a particular interest in the pathophysiology and treatment of chronic age-related cardiovascular and neurodegenerative conditions. His research group has published many clinical studies investigating the effects of exercise rehabilitation and dietary interventions, and these studies are underpinned by experimental investigations of exercise capacity, cognitive performance and vascular function. Chris is a past President (2012-14) and board member of ESSA, and he was the Inaugural Chair of the ESSA Professional Standards Council.

Qualifications: DBAppSc (Hons, Human Movement Science), PhD, AEP
Other Fellowships/Honours: Fellow European College of Sport Science (FECS)
Primary domain/s of professional (work) focus: Exercise physiology research, ageing and chronic disease, cardiovascular health and function, peripheral arterial disease
Other areas of Interest: Professional standards in exercise science and clinical exercise physiology practice. And when I’m not working – swimming, music, footy (AFL).
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Michael Baker

Awarded ESSA Fellowship in 2018

Dr Michael Baker is currently Director of the Research Office at Australian Catholic University, supporting the university's research intensification strategy. In addition to his role as Director, Dr Baker continues to Chair ACU's Human Research Ethics Committee. His research, clinical, and teaching career has focused on the integration of exercise, medicine, and behavioural change to improve quality of life, particularly among older adults and those living with chronic illness. During his time as a member of ESSA, he has devoted time to advance the profession. He has served on ESSA’s Research Review Committee, Cardiovascular Special Interest Group, Exercise Science Advisory Committee, WA State Chapter, as Chair of ESSA’s Accreditation Council, and was the inaugural Chair of the Exercise Science Advisory Group which developed the first Scope of Practice for Exercise Scientists. Dr Baker is currently Chair of ESSA’s Ethics and Disciplinary Committee.

Qualifications: BAppSc (Ex&SpSc), MAppSc (Ex&SpSc), GradCert (Higher Ed), PhD (Health Sc)
Primary domain/s of professional (work) focus: Research management
Other areas of Interest: Research ethics and integrity
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Robert Barnard

Awarded ESSA Fellowship in 2016

Robert Barnard is the Manager of Exercise Physiology, Central Adelaide Local Health Network and Manager of the Centre for Physical Activity in Ageing (CPAA). His career commenced in 1979 and has seen a career working within Research, Clinical Rehabilitation, Day Hospital and Dialysis Clinical settings within SA DoHA.He completed a Master’s Degree at Flinders University with Professor Bob Withers which included an original study on functional performance, physiological responses and ratings of perceived exertion during graded exercise in Stroke survivors. Since that time the CPAA became a leader in the development of understanding and provision of special assessment and exercise programs for both older and special populations and further supported the development of that knowledge through a focus on the outcomes of clinical research and ethics approved studies. He has undertaken extensive collaborative work on various clinical and professional interest topics including publishing journal articles, and posters and podium presentations at professional and scientific meetings. His most recent achievements have been successful lobbying to appoint Exercise Physiologists into new roles within SA DoHA (Country Health (1), Central (4), Northern (2) and Southern (4) Local Health Networks), and the transition of a number of Physical Education positions (2) to Exercise Physiology.

Belinda Beck

Awarded ESSA Fellowship in 2021

Bio coming soon

Amanda Benson

Awarded ESSA Fellowship in 2022

Professor Amanda Benson is an accredited exercise physiologist with Exercise & Sport Science Australia (ESSA) with an interest in using exercise for the prevention and treatment of chronic disease. She supervises research (honour's, MSc, PhD) in physical activity and exercise, including resistance training, in children and adolescents as well as adults. She conducts research using physical activity, resistance training and technology-based interventions within school settings, healthy (workplace) and clinical populations (cardiac, metabolic health, type 2 diabetes) for prevention and treatment of disease.

John Booth

Awarded ESSA Fellowship in 2020

John Booth is a clinician and Adjunct Associate Professor in the Faculty of Medicine, UNSW. His clinical practice and teaching are concerned with exercise for musculoskeletal pain, with a special interest in chronic pain. As a clinical educator, John regularly presents professional development opportunities to clinicians, allied health professions and the community. He is strongly committed to mentoring clinicians treating people with chronic pain MSK pain and is a Pain Revolution mentor. John’s research interests include the influence of exercise on pain and the impact of patient and clinician communication and education on treatment outcomes.

Qualifications: PhD, MExSc, BEd (HPE)
Primary domain/s of professional (work) focus: The treatment and management of chronic musculoskeletal pain
Other areas of Interest: The science of pain
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Marc Brown

Awarded ESSA Fellowship in 2023

Marc Brown is a Sr Lecturer in Clinical Exercise Physiology at the University of Wollongong and was the Academic Program Director for both the undergraduate and postgraduate Clinical Exercise Physiology courses from 2007 - 2022. He became an Accredited Exercise Physiologist in 2006 and has worked in clinical practice and academia in both the USA and Australia since 1994, using his clinical knowledge and skill to the benefit of his students as well as various University programs in Australia. Marc also contributed to ESSA’s National University Course Accreditation Program from 2014 - 2019 as a reviewer and from 2017 - 2019 as a CAC member, lending his expertise in clinical education and curriculum design.

Qualifications: Bachelor (BA) of Psychology; Master (MA) of Exercise Physiology; AEP
Primary domain/s of professional (work) focus: Cardiovascular & Pulmonary Rehabilitation; Chronic & Complex Conditions
Other areas of Interest: Have an interest in clinical education and a research focus on eccentric aerobic exercise for individuals with exercise intolerance.

Melainie Cameron

Awarded ESSA Fellowship in 2020

Melainie (“Lainie”) is both an exercise physiologist and an osteopath. She has been involved in both academia and clinical practice for all of her career, working across private practice, hospitals, and university clinics. She is currently the program leader for the Bachelor of Sport and Exercise Science (Honours) – Clinical Exercise Physiology at the University of Southern Queensland. She thoroughly enjoys leading a team of staff to train exercise physiologists of the future. Lainie loves being outdoors, engaging in endurance activity, working on projects over a long time, and including animals (therapy dogs and horses) in her clinical practice.

Qualifications: Bachelor of Applied Science (Osteopathy), Master of Health Science, Doctor of Philosophy
Other Fellowships/Honours: Exercise and Sport Science Australia 2016: Top 25 Influencers, USC 2016 Advance Awards for Learning and Teaching: Advancing Quality Teaching. Commendation for exemplary practice., Health Workforce Australia 2012: National Clinical Supervision Fellowship ($25,000 in project funding), Level 1 Therapy Dog Handler (canine-handler team)
Primary domain/s of professional (work) focus: Musculoskeletal rehabilitation, particularly rheumatology, clinical supervision and clinical decision-making
Other areas of Interest: Animal-assisted therapies, recreational running, gardening and bee keeping.

Mike Climstein

Awarded ESSA Fellowship in 2007

Mike is the Course Coordinator for the Master of Clinical Exercise Physiology and Co-Director of the Water Based Research Unit. He has 125 papers, 11 book chapters, over 100 international and national conference presentations, in excess of $7.8m in research funding and 9 research awards. Mike is currently supervising 5 PhD students and 1 Hons student. He is an academic editor for PeerJ and an editorial board member for the journal Sports (Basel). Research includes DXA (bone health and segmental body composition), water based research, clinical exercise physiology, medical and health aspects of master athletes, prevention and rehabilitation of chronic disease, injury surveillance in sports and exercise, Surfing/Stand up paddle boarding/aquatic activities, cardiac rehabilitation, smart textiles and physiological monitoring, cancer and osteoporosis.

Qualifications: BSc, MSc, PhD, postdoctoral research fellowship, AEP
Other Fellowships/Honours: FASMF, FACSM
Primary domain/s of professional (work) focus: Clinical Exercise Physiology
Other areas of Interest: Surfing and karate
Professional URL

Kevin Conlon

Awarded ESSA Fellowship in 2007

My Why is to Help People and this is why I founded KINNECT in 1996 (the same year of graduation). KINNECT is a National Occupational Health company that Makes People at Work Healthy, Safe and Productive. An interest in technology lead to the founding of Carelever.com 2012 a SaaS Platform (Software As A Service) which is Technology Enabled Occupational Health.

Qualifications: BAppSc. HMS (Hons) 1996
Primary domain/s of professional (work) focus: Occupational Health
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Jeff Coombes

Awarded ESSA Fellowship in 2008

Jeff has been at the University of Queensland since 2000 where he is Director of the Centre for Research on Exercise, Physical Activity and Health (CRExPAH). He was a past President of ESSA (2006 – 2011) has been the Chair of the Exercise is Medicine Australia initiative since 2012. His research interests include optimising exercise for improving health and the mechanisms of exercise-related benefits. As of October 2022, he has 350 Medline publications, written three textbooks, been a CI on $17.5 million in funding, graduated 29 PhD students as Principal Advisor and has a Scopus H Index of 60 with >13,000 citations.

Qualifications: PhD (University of Florida), MEd, BAppSc, Bed (Hons) (University of Tasmania)
Other Fellowships/Honours: Fellow of the American College of Sports Medicine
Primary domain/s of professional (work) focus: Teaching and Research (Clinical Exercise Physiology)
Other areas of Interest: Collingwood
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Prue Cormie

Awarded ESSA Fellowship in 2019

Associate Professor Prue Cormie is an accredited exercise physiologist whose research and clinical work focuses on the role of exercise in the management of cancer. She aims to enhance the lives of people with cancer through innovative research and effectively translating research into practice. Her track record includes over $10 million in competitive research grant funding, over 80 refereed publications and book chapters and over 220 invited presentations including a TED talk. Prue has produced influential research exploring the efficacy of targeted exercise prescriptions in counteracting significant side effects of cancer and cancer treatments. Prue was the inaugural Chair of the Clinical Oncology Society of Australia Exercise Cancer Group and is the lead author on the Clinical Oncology Society of Australia position statement on exercise in cancer care. A core component of Prue’s work is invested in translating research into practice for meaningful improvements in the services available for people with cancer.

Qualifications: PhD, AEP
Primary domain/s of professional (work) focus: Cancer
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Angela Douglas

Awarded ESSA Fellowship in 2019

I’ve been an AEP since 2005. My venture into academia started at UOW in 2008 working with the wonderful educators who had taught me, and I am now at the University of Canberra. My Masters thesis was in the area of glycaemic control during pregnancy, which I presented at the 2018 BASES conference in UK. With a strong interest in mental health, I have also presented project collaborations at ESSA, ACMHN and Engagement Australia conferences, and contributed to the ‘ESSA Consensus statement on the role of Accredited Exercise Physiologists within the treatment of mental disorders’ - an important advocacy tool for AEPs in mental health services. My involvement with ESSA started in 2009 on the NSW State Chapter, before joining the Standards Council in 2015. I have also represented ESSA as a NASRHP assessor and at advocacy events, including NSW Ministry of Health stakeholder meeting, Mental Health Australia Policy Forum at Parliament House, and International AHP Day at the Department of Health.

Qualifications: AEP; Bachelor of Exercise Science and Rehabilitation (Hon 1) and M.Sc. (Research) both from University of Wollongong
Other Fellowships/Honours: Australian Olympic Committee (AOC) Pierre de Coubertin Award (2001)
Primary domain/s of professional (work) focus: Clinical education in exercise physiology through teaching, curriculum development and management of clinical practicum
Other areas of Interest: Current research interests: mental health, gestational diabetes, trauma informed practice (educational and clinical) and clinical supervision. Endlessly fascinated in the brain’s capacity to adapt and recover, and in understanding the individual journey of the person.

Jay Ebert

Awarded ESSA Fellowship in 2019

Dr Jay Ebert has practiced as an Accredited Exercise Physiologist (AEP) since 2002, completing his PhD in 2008 focused in orthopaedic surgery, biomechanics and post-operative exercise rehabilitation, for which he was awarded the Exercise and Sport Science Australia (ESSA) Medal. He was later awarded the ESSA ‘Exercise Physiologist of the Year’ in 2010 for his clinical work, with a particular focus on musculoskeletal and orthopaedic rehabilitation. He is currently a Lecturer and Researcher at the School of Human Sciences, within the University of Western Australia (UWA), and a Director and AEP at HFRC, a leading exercise rehabilitation clinic with a focus in musculoskeletal and orthopaedic rehabilitation, located in Perth, Western Australia. He is the Director of Research at the Perth Orthopaedic and Sports Medicine Research Institute, and is a Director of the Orthopaedic Research Foundation of Western Australia.

Qualifications: PhD, B.ExRehab (Hons)
Other Fellowships/Honours: Honorary Fellowship Australia Orthopaedic Association (2018), Exercise & Sport Science Australia Medal (2008), Exercise & Sport Science Australia Exercise Physiologist of the Year (2010)
Primary domain/s of professional (work) focus: Musculoskeletal and Orthopedic Rehabilitation
Other areas of Interest: Exercise Rehabilitation for Chronic and Complex Conditions
Professional URL

Steve Fraser

Awarded ESSA Fellowship in 2019

Associate Professor Steve Fraser has been an ESSA member since 2007 and AEP since 2012. His current position is Discipline Lead: Clinical Exercise in the School of Exercise and Nutrition Sciences at Deakin University, and he is also the Director of Deakin’s Masters of Clinical Exercise Physiology. He has taught over 5,000 students across 20 years, providing high quality education to the next generation of professionals. Associate Professor Fraser has a career research focus on integrating AEP led exercise in clinical settings to improve health outcomes in people with chronic disease. His major scientific achievements to date are in the area of exercise for the prevention and management of cancer, diabetes, obesity, and chronic kidney disease. He has over 50 published manuscripts and has helped develop the next generation of academic AEPs, with 6 PhD completions and 6 current PhD students. He has a particular interest in exercise (and nutrition) for cancer patients and has conducted several randomised controlled trials investigating prostate, breast, AYA, and haemotological cancers. He has served ESSA on the Vic Chapter as continuing education director, and currently serves on the ESSA Accreditation Council. He is the Vice President of the Council of Heads of Exercise, Sport & Movement Sciences.

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Daniel Galvao

Awarded ESSA Fellowship in 2021

Professor Daniel Galvão is Director of the Exercise Medicine Research Institute at Edith Cowan University. Galvão’s research program developed and tested targeted exercise interventions to reverse treatment-related toxicities and improve patient outcomes that have changed the clinical management of cancer patients worldwide. He has been supported continuously with external funding over the past 15 years from the NHMRC, Prostate Cancer Foundation of Australia, Cancer Australia, Cancer Council Western Australia, and Movember Foundation. Professor Galvão has served on numerous national research committees including several NHMRC Grant review panels, Prostate Cancer Foundation of Australia Research Advisory Committee, and Cancer Council of Western Australia for over a decade representing the field of exercise medicine. Professor Galvão has published over 170 refereed journal papers in exercise medicine/oncology listed on Scopus and is an author of influential national and international guidelines for exercise in cancer patients including ESSA (2009, 2019) and ACSM (2010, 2019). As a direct result, international clinical recommendations changed for individuals to avoid inactivity and return to normal activity as soon as possible after cancer diagnosis or treatment.

Qualifications: PhD (ECU) Master of Applied Science (Clinical Exercise Science) (UQ) Bachelor and Licentiate in Physical Education (Brazil)
Other Fellowships/Honours: American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM) ESSA Medal (2006)
Primary domain/s of professional (work) focus: Exercise Oncology; Clinical Exercise Physiology

Paul Gastin

Awarded ESSA Fellowship in 2006

Prof Paul Gastin is Head of Discipline – Sport and Exercise Science, a Fellow of ESSA, and a L2 Accredited Sports Scientist and High Performance Manager. Paul’s teaching and research focuses on innovation in sport science and coaching to enhance the performance of people and organisations across the sport participation spectrum. He has 30+ years' experience in education, research and high-performance sport. In addition to his work in academia, Paul has worked in Olympic/Paralympic and professional sport in Australia and overseas holding senior positions at the Victorian Institute of Sport, the UK Sports Institute and UK Sport, and consulting in Europe and Asia.

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Anne Hanley

Awarded ESSA Fellowship in 2007

My passion for a profession that develops and delivers health, exercise and rehabilitation programs across the life span in both the health and education sectors, has not waned since I joined ESSA in 1991. I have a strong interest and expertise in musculoskeletal rehabilitation, and supporting pulmonary, diabetes and Parkinson disease clients in particular, to realise their potential to maintain a quality of life and remain a vibrant part of their community. Prior to gaining Medicare status in 2006, I grew my experience working in aquatic based therapy, delivering health literacy presentations to support groups for chronic disease patients and working across the AEP scope in private practice. I love teaching and although stepped away from the school based system into tertiary, I continue to drive student- centred learning in clinical education. I believe in life-long learning and love learning along with my clients and students- living is learning.

Qualifications: MHSc BA HMS DEd HPE TESOL Health Coach Pilates Instructor
Primary domain/s of professional (work) focus: Clinical Educator for Undergraduate Clinical Exercise Physiology, health, wellbeing and behaviour change for prevention of disease and disorders
Other areas of Interest: Health across the lifespan, early childhood and children’s physical activity, physical education
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Mark Hargreaves

Awarded ESSA Fellowship in 2006

Over 30 years of teaching and research experience in the tertiary sector and activities that focus on the physiological and metabolic responses to acute and chronic exercise, with an emphasis on carbohydrate metabolism. He has had senior academic leadership roles at Deakin University and the University of Melbourne. In his current role as Pro Vice-Chancellor (Research Collaboration & Partnerships) at Melbourne, he has oversight of the internal schemes that foster interdisciplinary research and the important research relationships with external organisations. He is a Consulting Editor for Journal of Applied Physiology, Editor (Exercise Physiology Section) for Comprehensive Physiology and a member of the editorial board of Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise. He was a Board Director of the Victorian Institute of Sport for 15 years (2004-2019).

Qualifications: BSc, MA, PhD
Other Fellowships/Honours: Fellow, American College of Sports Medicine (1996), Sir Frank Cotton Memorial Lecture (2014), Citation Award, American College of Sports Medicine (2017)
Primary domain/s of professional (work) focus: Exercise Physiology
Other areas of Interest: Reading sport biographies
Professional URL

Nicolas Hart

Awarded ESSA Fellowship in 2021

Associate Professor Nicolas H. Hart, PhD AES CSCS ESSAF is the Program Director of Clinical Exercise Physiology at the University of Technology Sydney (UTS), and an NHMRC Investigator Fellow. His program of research focuses on improving outcomes for people with cancer with a particular focus on people with advanced or metastatic cancer, canvassing survivorship and supportive care issues (including exercise, nutrition, psychosocial, and toxicity management) and cancer outcomes (including disease biology, disease progression, and overall survival). In 2014, he was named ESSA’s Exercise Scientist of the Year; and over the past decade has served on various ESSA committees, while currently a member of ESSA’s Standards Council.

Qualifications: PhD AES CSCS ESSAF
Other Fellowships/Honours: NHMRC Investigator Fellow (2023-2027). MASCC Survivorship Fellow (2020-2023). Cancer Council WA Fellow (2018-2020). MASCC Chair of Exercise Oncology (2021 ongoing). COSA Chair and Deputy Chair of Survivorship (2022-2025). WA Young Tall Poppy Award (2017). ESSA Exercise Scientist of the Year (2014).
Primary domain/s of professional (work) focus: Exercise Medicine, and Exercise Oncology.
Other areas of Interest: Musculoskeletal Health, Injury Prevention and Rehabilitation.
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Damien Johnston

Awarded ESSA Fellowship in 2015

Bio coming soon

Nathan Johnson

Awarded ESSA Fellowship in 2017

Nathan Johnson is an Associate Professor in Exercise Physiology at the University of Sydney. Nathan first became an Accredited Exercise Physiologist in 2005 and has worked in clinical practice and academia. His internationally recognised research focuses on the interaction between physical activity and fat metabolism in health and disease and aims to find practical solutions and innovative approaches, particularly exercise, for managing dangerous body fats and cardiometabolic health without weight loss. Nathan’s initiatives in teaching and research training aim to provide future exercise specialists with critical understanding and hands-on skills to manage the growing burden of obesity and diabetes.

Qualifications: BMedSc, MHlthSc (Hons), PhD, AES, AEP
Other Fellowships/Honours: Honorary - Royal Prince Alfred Hospital
Primary domain/s of professional (work) focus: Obesity and diabetes
Other areas of Interest: Coming soon
Professional URL

Brendan Joss

Awarded ESSA Fellowship in 2016

Brendan Joss started his career as an Exercise Physiologist to combine his love of sport and exercise with a passion for medicine. He completed his Honours in Exercise Rehabilitation in 2000, the same year he began as an Exercise Physiologist at Hollywood Functional Rehabilitation Clinic. Through his desire to provide improved treatment to orthopaedic patients, Brendan completed a PhD in joint replacement rehabilitation in 2006. Following this he travelled to Canada to complete a Post-doctoral research fellowship at Queens University, Kingston, Ontario. On his return the Perth, Brendan continued his work at HFRC as an Accredited Exercise Physiologist providing exercise based programs to optimise physical function without aggravating pain around the affected joint. He also brings his passion for education to his treatments saying “the most powerful thing I can do is to teach you what to do, and why you are doing it to ensure you have the skills to self-manage into the future.” Brendan also holds an Adjunct Associate Professor position at the University of Western Australia for sessional lecturing and research. Brendan has also served 6 years as a Board Director at Exercise and Sports Science Australia and is recognised nationally as a leader in Exercise Physiology practice.

Justin Keogh

Awarded ESSA Fellowship in 2021

Justin Keogh’s current teaching focusing on motor control and learning as well as health research methods. He has provided biomechanical and/or strength conditioning services to a range of sub-elite and elite Australian and New Zealand athletes in Paralympic sport, rugby union, rugby league, golf and strongman. He has supervised many Masters and PhD students to completion and currently supervises five PhD students across a variety of sports including Australian football, rugby league, swimming and super sprint triathlon. He is currently on the editorial board for journals including Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research, PeerJ and Journal of Cancer Survivorship.

Qualifications: BHSc(Ex & Sp Sc), BHMS(Hons), PHD, ASCA(LII), ASpSc2
Other Fellowships/Honours: Fellow of the Australian Association of Gerontology; Fellow of the International Society of Biomechanics in Sport
Primary domain/s of professional (work) focus: Sport science, particularly team sports with a focus on using strength and conditioning, biomechanics and motor learning principles to improve performance and reduce injury risk
Other areas of Interest: Sarcopenia and Exercise as Medicine, particularly for older adults, living in, or at risk of entering into residential aged care and those with a cancer diagnosis
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Anthony Leicht

Awarded ESSA Fellowship in 2007

Anthony Leicht is an experienced academic and researcher with expertise in the physiological responses to exercise with a particular emphasis on cardiac autonomic control, cardiovascular function, and exercise/physical activity capacity in healthy adults and those with chronic disease. He has over 25 years of experience as an exercise science academic and enjoys teaching undergraduates within the areas of exercise physiology/testing. He has published extensively, been involved in the successful reception of funding and awards, a member of several national/international exercise science and physiological organisations, an editorial board member for numerous international journals, and a regular invited reviewer for >50 international journals within the areas of Sport and Exercise Science, Cardiovascular Function and Physiology. Since 2001, he has assisted ESSA via a range of positions on committees such as: Secretary, National Board; Conference Organising and Scientific Committees; Accreditation Advisory Committee; Exercise Science Advisory Group; University/NUCAP/Accreditation Committee/Council; and Research Committee.

Qualifications: BAppSc (Hons) GDip (FET) PhD
Other Fellowships/Honours: European College of Sport Science (ECSS)
Primary domain/s of professional (work) focus: Teaching/research academic in the field of exercise physiology and exercise/fitness testing
Other areas of Interest: Performance analytics, Basketball
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Itamar Levinger

Awarded ESSA Fellowship in 2014

Itamar is a Professor of Clinical Exercise Physiology at the Institute for Health and Sport (IHES), College of Sport and Exercise Science, Victoria University. He has developed extensive knowledge, skills and experience in the area of clinical exercise rehabilitation, especially in patients with cardiovascular and metabolic diseases. In recent years his main research area is bone-skeletal muscle-cardiovascular system interaction and the role the skeleton plays in the development of insulin resistance/type 2 diabetes and cardiovascular disease. Professor Levinger was awarded a Heart Foundation Post-Doctoral Research Fellowship (2012-2014) and Heart Foundation Future Leader Fellowship (2014-2018). The aim of his research is to identify the mechanisms behind the benefits of exercise for the prevention and management of metabolic and cardiovascular disease. He contributed to two ESSA’s Position Statements as well as several other publications on the role of AEP in pre-exercise screening. He serves on ESSA’s Cardiovascular Special Interest Group Committees since its establishment in 2011.

Qualifications: PhD, MSc, BEd, AEP
Other Fellowships/Honours: Honorary Principal Research Fellow, Department of Medicine, Western Health, Faculty of Medicine, Dentistry and Health Sciences, The University of Melbourne.
Primary domain/s of professional (work) focus: Exercise rehabilitation for patients with cardiovascular and metabolic diseases as well as bone-muscle interactions and cell signalling in humans and murine models.
Other areas of Interest: Sport, fishing and travelling
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Katie Lyndon

Awarded ESSA Fellowship in 2023

As an allied health professional with a Master of Business Administration, Katie’s experience spans health advisory consulting, Board and Executive level allied health association leadership, establishment of private practice, and delivery of transformation and operational improvement projects across the health system. Katie’s commitment to improving the health system to deliver better and more sustainable outcomes was also acknowledged through her award as 2022 Australian Allied Health Awards: Leadership & Management Excellence, and, Exercise Physiologist of the year. Katie is currently a Non-Executive Board Director at Exercise & Sports Science Australia and is the Director of Health Service Strategy and Planning at the Qld Department of Health.

Qualifications: Master of Business Administration, Bachelor Applied Science (Exercise Science) (First class honors), Advanced Diploma of Management
Other Fellowships/Honours: Associate Fellow Australasian College of Health Service Managers, Certified Health Manager
Place of Employment: Department of Health (Qld), Director of Health Service Strategy and Planning
Primary domain/s of professional (work) focus: Leadership and delivery of transformation and strategic projects across the health system; Hospital and health service planning (health services and infrastructure); and Model of care development and service redesign.
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Frank Marino

Awarded ESSA Fellowship in 2010

Frank is the Professor of Applied Physiology within the School of Allied Health, Exercise & Sports Science at Charles Sturt University and holds a DSc and PhD. Frank has published over 120 peer reviewed papers and several chapters and has been the Memorial Spitfire Fellow (2016 & 2022). Frank’s research focus is on thermoregulation in a range of environmental extremes. He is on the editorial board of several international journals. Frank is particularly interested in evolutionary biology of human performance and resistance to fatigue. His book Human fatigue: evolution, health and performance draws together many of the theoretical constructs which have been developed over 25 years of research.

Qualifications: Doctor of Science (UWA), PhD (CSU), MEd (Syd), BPE (UWA), SpCertClinRes(Neuro) (Melb).
Other Fellowships/Honours: Memorial Spitfire Fellow 2016, Royal Society NSW Fellow
Primary domain/s of professional (work) focus: Head of School of Exercise Science, Sport & Health
Other areas of Interest: Human fatigue, thermoregulation and human evolution, academic research
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Lars McNaughton

Awarded ESSA Fellowship in 2007

Lars started work as a Physical Education teacher in Perth, Western Australia. He then went to Oregon to complete a Masters degree and then a PhD under the supervision of Professor Marjorie Woollacott in neural physiology and motor control examining postural control in human for his PhD thesis. He returned to Australia and worked at the Tasmanian College of Advanced Education (later the Tasmanian State Institute of Technology, then University of Tasmania). He moved to the UK in 1998 and has worked at a number of institutions around the UK and as Head of Department at the University of Hull. Lars was Head of School of Health Sciences at Bond University for a short time and now works back in the UK at Edge Hill. He has 28 PhD completions and continues to undertake research in sport nutrition, focussing on acid base balance and exercise.

Qualifications: Dip Tch, Grad Dip Rec, BEd., MSc, MBA, PhD
Other Fellowships/Honours: Fellow European College of Sports Science, Fellow of the American College of Sports Medicine, Fellow of the British Association of Sport and Exercise Sciences, Fellow of the Physiological Society, Senior Fellow of the Higher Education Academy
Primary domain/s of professional (work) focus: Teaching/research
Other areas of Interest: Coming soon
Professional URL

Jarrod Meerkin

Awarded ESSA Fellowship in 2012

Between 2000 and 2005 Dr Meerkin specialised in the use of DEXA as a tool for body composition measurement as a Senior Research Fellow at QUT in the School of Exercise and Sports Science working with two of the leading researchers in the country in the obesity and exercise research domain. Through his extensive experience using DEXA in research Dr Meerkin saw a need in the consumer world for this important tool and established Body Composition Australia in 2006 and subsequently MeasureUp. Dr Meerkin’s focus now lies with overseeing the implementation of MeasureUp strategic goals and growth. Dr Meerkin is also an active advocate for the preventative care of bone health throughout Australia’s aging population.

Qualifications: BAppSc, MSc, PhD
Primary domain/s of professional (work) focus: Bone densitometry
Other areas of Interest: DEXA, Body composition
Professional URL

Robert Mullins

Awarded ESSA Fellowship in 2017

Dr Robert Mullins (Robbie) is the Director of Clinical Services and Education, and a Senior Lecturer in Clinic Exercise Physiology at QUTs School of Exercise and Nutrition Sciences. For the QUT Health Clinics he is the Director of the Exercise Physiology Clinic and the Nutrition and Dietetics Clinic. He specialises in cardiovascular, respiratory and metabolic conditions rehabilitation. Robbie has been an Accredited Exercise Physiologist since 2003 with clinical practice experience across the hospital, community and university health clinic settings. He is a Fellow of Exercise and Sports Science Australia and a former member of the ESSA Accreditation Council and QLD State Chapter. He has worked extensively with the Royal Brisbane and Women’s Hospital (RBWH), both a clinician and researcher in heart failure, cardiac rehabilitation and type 2 diabetes. More recently his work focused on client experience of health care and student experience of learning in a university health clinic. He has held leadership and advisory roles for Queensland Health as Chair State-wide Exercise Physiology Discipline and Chair Clinical Education Training and Advisory Group. Robbie also holds qualifications in teaching in higher education, strength and conditioning and sports medicine.

Qualifications: PhD QUT, MAppSci(ClinExSci) UQ, GradCertAcadPrac QUT, BAppSciHMS(hon) UQ
Primary domain/s of professional (work) focus: Cardiorespiratory and metabolic
Other areas of Interest: Interprofessional education
Professional URL

Niamh Mundell

Awarded ESSA Fellowship in 2022

Niamh Mundell is a Lecturer in Clinical Exercise Physiology within Deakin University’s School of Exercise and Nutrition Sciences and practising accredited exercise physiologist. Niamh also serves on the ESSA National Board and Chairs the ESSA Governance and Nomination Committee. Prior to this Niamh served as the Deputy Chair on the ESSA Standards Council, was a member of the Victorian State Chapter and has contributed to numerous other ESSA projects. Her research primarily focuses on exercise physiology, with particular interests in pain, mental and cognitive health and improving the exercise physiology industry for clinicians and patients. Her research integrates her clinical exercise physiology skills and experience to focus on improving the way clinical outcomes are captured and the optimal modes of delivery to support value-based care in clinical exercise physiology practice.

Qualifications: PhD, GCHE, AEP, AES, MAppSci
Primary domain/s of professional (work) focus: Lecturer Master of Clinical Exercise Physiology, Clinical Educator & Accredited Exercise Physiologist Deakin Clinical Exercise Centre (DCEC)
Other areas of Interest: Neurological rehabilitation, cancer survival
Professional URL

Robert Newton

Awarded ESSA Fellowship in 2006

Professor of Exercise Medicine in the Exercise Medicine Research Institute at Edith Cowan University, Perth, Western Australia and Honorary Professor of the University of Queensland. Current major research directions include: exercise medicine as neoadjuvant, adjuvant and rehabilitative cancer therapy to reduce side-effects and enhance effectiveness of surgery, chemotherapy and radiation therapy. In 2018 Professor Newton received the career achievement award from the Cancer Council WA and in 2019, was named the Western Australian Premier’s Scientist of the Year. The University of Queensland awarded Professor Newton a Higher Doctorate in 2021 for his research into exercise oncology.

Qualifications: BHMS(Hons), MHMS, PhD, DSc, AEP, CSCS*D
Other Fellowships/Honours: FACSM, FNSCA
Primary domain/s of professional (work) focus: Research and clinical practice in exercise medicine
Other areas of Interest: Exercise as medicine in chronic disease management
Professional URL

Deborah Pascoe

Awarded ESSA Fellowship in 2023

Deborah Pascoe is an academic clinician with over 30 years’ experience in the exercise physiology (EP) field. She was a member of the AAESS (now ESSA) national working group tasked with writing the first set of “competency criteria” for musculoskeletal, cardiorespiratory and neurological areas of EP practice (1990s) and one of the principal researchers responsible for the establishment of the national accreditation criteria for both Exercise Scientists and Exercise Physiologists (2007-2010). Deb conceived and developed the first program in Australia to specifically target exercise science students and provide a professional pathway to employment in exercise rehabilitation/exercise physiology (1996). In 1996, Deb established Australia’s first on-site student clinic dedicated to providing exercise rehabilitation/physiology services to the public and providing students with hands-on clinical experience as part of their coursework. With many conference presentations and publications Deb continues to contribute to the EP profession and remains enthusiastic about teaching and supervising students, working with clients and researching.

Qualifications: PhD, MA(PE), GDExRehab, BAppSc(PE), AEP, AES, ESSA
Other Fellowships/Honours: 2016 - VIce-Chancellor's Award for Excellence: Innovation, 2003 - Vice-Chancellor's Award for Team Excellence: Exercise Rehabilitation Centre, 2000 - Vice-Chancellor's Award for Outstanding Service - Excellence in Teaching
Primary domain/s of professional (work) focus: Clinical Exercise Physiology practice, musculoskeletal exercise physiology, falls prevention, sports injury assessment and management
Other areas of Interest: Work integrated learning, evaluation and assessment of competency
Professional URL

Kate Pumpa

Awarded ESSA Fellowship in 2021

As an Accredited Exercise Physiologist and Advanced Accredited Sports Dietitian, Kate has worked across both disciplines in a research and sporting context. Currently an Associate Professor at the University of Canberra, Kate teaches Exercise Physiology, Professional Practice in Exercise Physiology, and leads the Discipline of Sport and Exercise Science. Simultaneously, Kate consults to professional sporting teams such as Brumbies Rugby and Rugby Australia’s Wallaroos, Junior Wallabies and Rugby Sevens programs. Evaluating energy expenditure in athletes and utilising this information to enhance body composition, energy availability and recovery from exercise is her primary research interest.

Qualifications: PhD, MSc, BSc, AEP, APD, Adv Acc SD, GAICD
Primary domain/s of professional (work) focus: Energy expenditure, body composition, sports nutrition and athletic performance
Other areas of Interest: Enhancing sleep through nutritional interventions

Annette Raynor

Awarded ESSA Fellowship in 2020

Associate Professor Annette Raynor completed her studies at the University of Western Australia and has been an ESSA member since 1996. As a lecturer in Motor Control and Learning, she commenced her academic career at Nanyang Technological University, Singapore, and since returning to Australia has led large multi-disciplinary schools at the University of South Australia and Edith Cowan University. Annette has contributed to ESSA’s National University Course Accreditation Program since 2010 as a reviewer and council member; was a founding member of the Council of Heads of Exercise, Sport and Movement Sciences executive committee and President of this Council in 2015

Nathan Reeves

Awarded ESSA Fellowship in 2018

Nathan is a senior lecturer at School of Allied Health Sciences, Griffith University and is the program director for the Bachelor of Exercise Science, Bachelor of Exercise Science/Bachelor of Business, and Bachelor of Exercise Science/Bachelor of Psychological Sciences. He is the Exercise Physiology discipline lead for inter-professional and simulated learning. Nathan has extensive experience in developing and leading intra and inter professional simulated learning events across the allied health and medical disciplines. Nathan is the current Chair of the Exercise and Sports Science Australia (ESSA) Standards Council and Director and Company Secretary of the International Confederation of Sport and Exercise Science Practice. He was formerly the ESSA National Board Director from 2010-17, and President/Chair, Chair of the Governance and Nominations Committee and committee member on the Audit Finance and Risk Committee from 2014-17. He previously sat on the ESSA Queensland State Chapter Committee as committee member and chair over a period of four years. Nathan is a practicing Accredited Exercise Physiologist (AEP) with an interest in the area of workplace injury prevention and management. He has consulted to federal and state government agencies and extensively across the private sector. Nathan is a graduate of the AICD Company Director and Mastering the Board courses and senior fellow of the Higher Education Academy.

Qualifications: BSc., MExRehab., AES, AEP, ESSAM, GAIC, SFHEA
Other Fellowships/Honours: Senior Fellow Higher Education Academy
Primary domain/s of professional (work) focus: Interprofessional and simulation based learning; Workplace Rehabilitation
Other areas of Interest: Best practice governance in Not for Profit organisations
Professional URL

Adam Scott

Awarded ESSA Fellowship in 2015

Dr Adam Scott completed a PhD in Cardiac Medicine in 2003 at Imperial College, London. Returned to Australia in 2003 and took up the Director of Cardiac Sciences role at a Brisbane based hospital. Adam is widely published in peer-reviewed journals in the areas of heart failure, exercise physiology and muscle reflexes. Adam has presented his research at numerous international conferences including the American Heart Association, European College of Sport Science, European Society of Cardiology, British Cardiac Society, World Congress of Cardiology, Cardiac Society of Australia and New Zealand. Adam has an Adjunct Professor title with Queensland University of Technology and performs a significant amount of lecturing, course curriculum advice and mentoring.

Neil Smart

Awarded ESSA Fellowship in 2015

Neil is a Professor of Clinical Exercise Physiology at the University of New England. His main research interest is the management of cardiovascular disease through exercise therapy, but specifically the role of intermittent ischaemia and hypoxia, delivered using different exercise training approaches, such as isometric- and high-intensity interval-exercise training. Neil has published more than 130 journal articles.

Qualifications: PhD Internal Medicine, M.Sc. Exercise Science, M.Sc. Clinical Epidemiology, B.Sc.Hons Sport Science
Primary domain/s of professional (work) focus: Heart Failure, Optimizing Exercise Prescription, Meta-Analysis, Exercise Epidemiology, Cardiovascular, Metabolic and Renal Disease
Other areas of Interest: Biostatistics
Professional URL

Nigel Stepto

Posthumously awarded ESSA Fellowship in 2020

Prof Stepto completed most of his studies at the University of Cape Town South Africa before completing his PhD at RMIT University in 2002. He worked at Monash University before joining Victoria University in 2007. He was promoted to Senior Lecturer in 2012, Associate Professor in 2014 and was appointed in 2018 as Professor of Clinical Exercise Science, thus attaining full Professorship after only 11 years. Nigel’s great passion was research and his research career was outstanding, with global impact. He published over 84 journal articles, with strong citations and was an invited speaker at Australian and international conferences.

Qualifications: PhD (RMIT), BSc (Med Hons) Sports Science (UCT, South Africa), MSc (Zoology) (UCT) South Africa, BSc (Hons) (UCT, South Africa), BSc (UCT, South Africa)
Other Fellowships/Honours: Victoria University Vice-Chancellor’s Citation for Excellence in Research and Research Training (Supervision),
Primary domain/s of professional (work) focus: Polycystic Ovary Syndrome, Molecular Mechanisms of Insulin Resistance, Molecular and Cellular Mechanisms of Adaptation to Exercise.
Other areas of Interest: Women's health

Dennis Taaffe

Awarded ESSA Fellowship in 2016

Dennis is Professor of Exercise Gerontology in the Exercise Medicine Research Institute and School of Medical and Health Sciences at Edith Cowan University. Career highlights include working with Bob Marcus at Stanford, Harri Suominen at Jyvaskyla, Tammy Harris at NIA/NIH, and Daniel Galvao and Rob Newton at ECU, and the opportunity to have spent time as a student and staff member at Oregon.

Qualifications: Dip Teach, BSc, MSc, PhD, DSc, MPH
Other Fellowships/Honours: Fellow, American College of Sports Medicine
Primary domain/s of professional (work) focus: Exercise Oncology and Exercise Gerontology
Other areas of Interest: Public Health
Professional URL

Margaret Torode

Awarded ESSA Fellowship in 2013

Bio coming soon

Richard Turnbull

Awarded ESSA Fellowship in 2020

Longstanding accredited member since 1996. Private practice since 1997, Orange NSW. 2000/2001 ESSA Vice President (Exercise Rehabilitation). 1994 received the South African Biokinetic President's award for substantial contribution for the practical application of the profession. Level 4 athletics coach and Rugby Union coach. 1st grade Rugby Union Head Coach and Exercise Physiologist winning 8 premierships. Coach to Mathews Temane, world half marathon record, Willie Mtolo, New York Marathon winner and many other National runners. Exercise Physiologist (Biokineticist) to the Springbok Rugby Team 1993, South African Polo Cross Team 1995, South African Mens Hockey Team Atlanta Olympic Games n1996 and South African Surfing Team France 1992. During 1995 Richard wrote and published a book, Rugby Fitness Testing and Training.

Qualifications: M (Sports Sc), B (Hons) Biokinetics, B (Hons) Sports Sc), B Pys Ed, PTD
Other Fellowships/Honours: Inducted into the South African Athletics Coaches Hall of Fame. Sports Personality of the year, Orange NSW 2001. South African National Athletic Coaches Merit Award: 1985 & 1987.
Primary domain/s of professional (work) focus: Exercise Rehabilitation – Cardiac, Musculo-skeletal, Metabolic Disease and Diabetes.
Other areas of Interest: Type 2 Diabetes remission and medication reduction via lifestyle interventions, especially the current evidence based science in nutrition and exercise.

Chris Tzarimas

Awarded ESSA Fellowship in 2017

Bio coming soon

Andrew Williams

Awarded ESSA Fellowship in 2014

Associate Professor Williams is an ESSA Accredited Exercise Physiologist, and MRFF Funded TRIP Fellow. He has previously served as a National Director of Exercise & Sports Sciences Australia, on steering committees for Primary Health Tasmania and Lung Foundation Australia, and frequently provides education sessions on lifestyle as a treatment for groups such as the Lung Foundation and Cancer Council Tasmania. He has extensive research and clinical experience in the assessment and prescription of lifestyle, specifically exercise/physical activity modification in chronic disease and healthy aging with an increasing focus on the translation of clinical guidelines into clinical practice.

Qualifications: BApplSc (Ex&SportSc), BSc(Hons), PhD, GradCertULT, AEP
Other Fellowships/Honours: Translation of Research Findings into Clinical Practice
Primary domain/s of professional (work) focus: Cardiovascular and Metabolic Diseases
Other areas of Interest: Translation of Research Findings into Clinical Practice
Professional URL